Deep Ecology and Human Behavior

Deep Ecology and Human Behavior: we need to make changes in the way we deal with our relationship to the world around us.
Indigenous Leadership

Indigenous Leadership: What can we learn from our indigenous past and bring forward to help us reconnect?
My Sweat Lodge Experience

My Sweat Lodge Experience: a great representation for life – the ups and downs, hot moments and moments where survival is in doubt.
My Vision Quest

My Vision Quest – an awakening to a life filled with beauty, power, healing and untapped potential for all.
Interdependent Leadership

There is a call for leaders to engage all members of the community in how decisions are being made and to share more of the leadership responsibility amongst those members.
A Modern World in Need of Initiation

A Modern World In Need of Initiation The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in […]
The Idealized Society

We need to find the collective space for healing and restoring wholeness to the world, whether that world be an individual experience, a collective residence, a national (or religious) identity or cosmic calling.
The Midlife Passage

Life appears to initiate me again and again and I am beginning to learn that the lesson and the meaning of living – it would appear – is all in preparation for my death.
What Is Your Professional Code Of Ethics?

What is the driving morality inside of me that determines my behavior towards myself and towards others?
Why Couldn’t I Help You?

Humans aren’t built to be independent, we are designed for interdependence, a reciprocal balance of giving and receiving.